Spatial distribution of a quantity (like gas volume fraction) in a fluidized bed?

I want to obtain the spatial profile of a quantity (say gas volume fraction) in a fluidized bed. In other words, I want to obtain a quantity (like gas volume fraction) versus time at a specific point in the fluidized bed. How can I do it? Is there any specific output file, where I can extract this information? If yes, where is it?

You can use the monitors to log volume fraction. Go to the monitor pane, click the + button, select the output type to be “cell data,” a monitor type (reduction operator), and a region (defined on the regions pane) to define the point/plane/volume to apply the monitor to. Finally, select which variable you want to log (Volume fraction).

Thanks for the reply. However, I want to monitor the value (not average, max, min, standard deviation , …) at a specific point vs time. The problem is that “value” is inactive in “Monitor type” menu, as you see in the picture below. I can get the average, max, min, … of a quantity (like void fraction) in a region. However, it seems that I am not able to monitor the value of a quantity in a specific node (or mesh) in a region vs time.

To get the value of a single cell, you need a region that is a point (not a plane or volume). So on the regions pane, make all the from and to the same value for the X, Y, and Z. The the region shape will be point.


And you can select Value in the monitors popup.

This is explained at 4.11. Monitors — MFiX 22.1 documentation

Many thanks for your help