TFM MFiX solver crashed saying "Access violation writing 0x0000023ED8BBADFC"

I am working on solving fluidized bed using TFM model. I am importing external geometry into the model and solving it. I am getting the error which says “Access violation writing 0x0000023ED8BBADFC”
I am not sure what this problem is. Has anybody encountered this error? (21.2 MB)

Please go to the main MFiX menu and select “Submit bug report”, this will generate a ZIP file with all files and information needed for debugging, which you can upload here.


– Charles

I have uploaded the file.
Thank you

I am not able to reproduce the “Access violation” issue. When I run the case, I get
DT < DT_MIN. Recovery not possible! after 0.014s of simulation time (3 minutes real time).

Changing Minimum time step (in the Run pane) from 1e-3 to 1e-5 lets me run the simulation for much longer - I have not seen a failure yet, the predicted time remaining is 12 hours.


@azb0224 - I replied a bit too quickly. I see from your bug report that you are running on Windows, while I tested on a Linux host.

Running your case on Windows, I can indeed replicate the Access violation error. I am not yet sure what the root cause is but I will follow up on this.

Thanks for the bug report & sorry for the trouble.

– Charles

This bug is fixed in the 22.4.2 release of MFiX

It works. Thank you.