The improvement of MFIX - PIC

Dear all,
When I read the document “mfix-19.1.4/mfix-19.1.4/doc/archive/mfix_pic_doc.pdf”, I came across the following questions in the section of “remarks” in the document.

The problem “Extension to cut-cell” has been solved, I would like to know whether other problems have been solved?

There was a complete rewrite of the PIC model. Nearly all aspects of the PIC solver were modified.

Thanks for your answer. I can see from the source file of the code that the PIC has changed a lot. However,in order to understand the specific changes of PIC and identify the differences between MFIX-PIC and CPFD, could you update the theoretical part of MFIX-PIC?

The PIC model in MFIX is fashioned after Snider, 2001 paper. There is no way to compare the differences between what is done in MFIX and what is done in CPFD as CPFD is a closed source code and much of the PIC model is based on implementation choices, not direct application of a rigorously derived theory.


Thank you for your answer.