The solver with SMP on Windows

I’m running into a question that might be about solvers.
I build the solver with SMP on Windows, run the case.
Oddly enough, compared to the MFIX21 version, my current case has become slow to iterate within each time step.
I’m wondering if it’s a solver problem?
I will upload my report document (82.0 KB)

SMP does not always run faster than serial. Sometimes the SMP overhead exceeds the speedup.

Were your MFiX21 results using SMP or serial? Which specific version of MFiX21?

Also, I would like to ask a question.
Does the Block Cell affect the calculation?
When I decrease the number of block cells, I can clearly feel that the calculation speed has become faster.
Or is there something wrong with my initial condition?
My basic problem is that iteration is too slow
1.mfx (19.8 KB)