The Yu and Standish correlation doesn't work in binary systems

I try to use the Yu and Standish correlation to compute maximum packing for binary systems. But when I change the values of ep_s_max(1) and ep_s_max(2), the results don’t change, and the situation is same with the the Fedors and Landel correlation.

Then I find that the maximum packing “EP_star_array(ijk) = ep_star” in set_constprop.f, so I wonder if this is because the maximum packing always equal to the initial input value. However, “EP_star_array(ijk) = calc_ep_star(ijk)” in calc_p_star seems to show that the correlation works in this subroutine model.

Therefore, I want to know if correlations to compute maximum packing really work in binary systems.

Really thanks!

Did you do a rigorous test? Or is there any literature that you can not reproduce?

I agree, at initilization, ep_star is used, when Yu and Standish or Fedors and Landel correlation is turned on, the ep_star value will be updated.

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Actually, I have done some tests,but the results like Ep_g and Velocity didn’t change. Therefore, I wonder if it is because the SUBROUTINE CALC_P_STAR(EP_G, P_STAR) is not called in the running process.

I think I figure it out. In the past cases, I choose the FRICTION model, but the codes in iterate.f show that CALC_P_STAR (EP_G, P_STAR) won’t be called if the FRICTION model is used.