Unable to change final physical time in MFix solver

In the previous versions of MFix, I was able to do this after completing a simulation. In the version 23.4.1, this is not an option. I had to open the .mfx file and edit the final run-time. Am I missing something or is it just not a feature anymore?

I’m not sure I understand the question. Can you be a little more detailed about what you are trying to do and how it doesn’t work?

When I complete a simulation run, MFix allows me to increase the final simulation time (Physical time). Say I simulated for 10s flow time and simulation is complete, I can increase that “Stop time” to 20s. The latest version of MFix does not allow that for some reason.
[I am only talking of GUI here. If I open the .mfx file, I can change that value which shows up when I open the GUI of MFix again]

Screenshot 2024-02-16 112842

Oh I see, you want to extend TSTOP. Yes, this should be allowed and it is a mistake that it is disabled in the GUI. Will fix this for the next release. Editing the file is a reasonable workaround. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for reporting!

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Thank you for the information