Unable to use SMP for DEM simulation

I recently bought an Alienware desktop with Windows OS. I installed MFix on it.
I am unable to give a run for a DEM simulation with SMP. It is working for TFM though.

It starts the simulation and abruptly ends with:
MFiX process has stopped
Previous MFiX run is resumable.

Pls help.

Hi @rkanchi, there is not enough information here for us to help you.
Is there anything in the .LOG files or other files?

If you need help, please attach the bug report ZIP file - main menu, “Submit bug report”

Zip file attached
Log file attached

solver_log.txt (3.3 KB)

hopper_dem_3d_2024-03-18T132834.186967.zip (20.0 MB)

This job runs on Linux with 4 SMP threads, but on Windows I get the same failure you are seeing, without any helpful messages. The job runs on Windows if I use the non-SMP solver.

Unfortunately we do not have good debugging tooks on Windows and I’m not sure I’ll be able to fix this, since I don’t have good visibility into what’s going wrong.

Is it possible to set up a Linux machine for your work? You may find other advantages to doing so as well (jobs tend to run faster, debugging code is easier, etc).

– Charles

Okay I will see what I can do

Okay here is something:
Mfix 23.2 version required me to build SMP solver. I did that and it worked. 23.3.2 and 23.4.1 don’t work. You could look into why…but yeah. Hope it helps.


We started supplying a pre-built SMP solver as a convenience to users. You can certainly try building it yourself, maybe that will work…

I did both on both versions. Did not work