When I tried to run a task on the HPC, it reported the error: UNKOEN_KEYWORD as depicted in the figure. I don’t kown why. the task ran well in my windows desktop with 1 core. I don’t kown whether it’s related to the version difference between my desktop and HPC. I edited .mfx file on my desktop with MFiX-24.1 and run on HPC with MFiX-22. Thakns!

i think it indeed the difference between versions. I can’t find the key word VTK_PART_DRAG_COEFF and VTK_MU_G in the user guid document of mfix-22, while they are included in MFiX-24.

That is correct, we are constantly adding to the MFiX model, which is why we always encourage users to upgrade to the latest version!

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