User-defined BC not working!

I would like to automatically do re-injection of the exiting solids mass flux at the bottom inlet. I used the user-defined subroutine “SUBROUTINE USR1” as in the attachment.
However, it shows a warning, and the monitor doesn’t show any flow at the inlet.

I want to this m_flow_solid_inlet = m_flow_solid_exit

Can anybody show me what did I set wrong?

usr1.f (2.3 KB)

Hi, mohamad, I can give you my perception.
When you set a variable based on another variable, you have to be sure that the second variable has a defined value, otherwise, both variables will be empty.
I suggest that you first create a standard case, set a value for the inlet mass flow. So at an instant in time, t, you modify the boundary condition like this m_flow_solid_inlet = m_flow_solid_exit, so you will have a fixed amount of solids in the system domain.
You should also pay attention to the direction (sign) of each mass flow if they enter or leave the system.
Anyway, mesh and numerical aspects are good to check and so you can to obtain convergence

I hope I’ve been helpful

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