User Defines Power Law, Herschel Berkeley and Bingham Plastic Viscosity Models



I am trying to change the fluid model from Newtonian with constant viscosity to a Power Law, Herschel Berkeley and Bingham Plastic fluids.
Can someone walk me through the details and provide assistance, I am studying the velocity of particles falling in these fluids and compare to lab experiments.

Hi Foued. Have you made any progress with this problem? You may get better replies here if you ask a more specific question - what have you tried, what problems have you come across, etc. And include your .mfx file and any UDF code.

Hello, foued. I wanna ask for you if you have solved this problem, because now I want to change constant viscosity with Power-law viscosity model. We can have a discussion about it.

Hello,cgw. Now I want to change constant viscosity with Power-law viscosity model. Can you give me some advice?

Unfortunately no but I want to look at it again. We can have a discussion if you want and see how to proceed.

Now I wanna put constitutive equation of power-law fluid into USR_PROP_Mug in usr-properties.f, but unfortunately it didn’t work. So I wanna know if you are able to change some codes to ensure it can work.

Hi cgw, I want to use Herschel-Bulkley or Bingham model for liquid-solid flow in a straight pipe. I checked the user manual but found no clues in it. Since I am a green hand to Mfix, is it possible for you to give a hand so that I can write UDF code for simulation. Thanks!