Viscous stress model for TFM simulation

Hi, I was working on the viscous stress model.

There are multiple choices
-Algebraic formulation
-Lun et al
-Iddir et al
-Garzo et al

Except the “Algebraic formulation”, I cound easly find the reference paper for each stress model.

What is the reference paper/book for the “Algebraic formulation”?



I just found the algebraic formula, the equation 82, in the “MFIX Documentation
Theory Guide”,

One more quick question is, Whre can I find the “Model A” momentum equation?



Oh, I just found the "Model “A” momentum equation.

Ref) Jacques et al, On the erosion of heat exchanger tube banks in fluidized-bed combustors, Powder Technology, 68 (1991) 31-51


Hi Kejuan - I’m glad you were able to answer your own questions so quickly :slight_smile:

I’ll add these references to the GUI. Note that we try to display references as hover-over “tooltip” text as well as in the per-keyword help, but as you noted, not all options have a reference available.

Yes, I think it is good to have references for each model for users.



What you list is not the correct reference for “Model A”. This terminology should be cited to the following:

J. X. Bouillard, R. W. Lyczkowski, S. Folga, D. Gidaspow and G. F. Berry, “Hydrodynamics of erosion of heat exchanger tubes in fluidized-bed combustors,” Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 67, p. 218–229, 1989.

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Yes, I also found that journal paper but I couldn’t download it using my university account.

Can you send the paper to me if you can?

my email is “”.



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