VTK Widget Error 'Timestep'

Dear MFIX contributors,

I am receiving an error when opening the newest version of MFIX. Has anyone encountered this problem/ found a solution to fixing it. I have tried reinstalling mfix-19.2.2 but am still receiving the same error.

Thank you,

Tanner Stelmach

Is this happening with all projects or just a particular one? Looks like something is failing in the *.pvd parser. Can you post the *.pvd files in the project directory?

Hello Justin,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately the error is preventing me from being able to open any of my other projects through the GUI so I am not entirely sure if this problem is unique to this project. I would be happy to upload the pvd file but I am not sure how to upload them to this forum as they are not an accepted file type. Is there any possibility I could email the file to you?


If you are running from the command line, you can pass a -n to not load the previous project.

mfix -n

The *.pvd files are just text files, so you could change the extension or copy and paste the xml code in the file.

Dear Justin,

After running mfix -n, I realize now that this is a problem with this specific project. I have attached my pvd file here as a txt file:


Thank you,
