What all criteria for changing time step

Dear experts,

I am new to MFiX.

I am trying to finish TFM simulation.
However, time step (dt) diminishes adaptively time by time due to (outer iteration) convergence for unsteady simulation.

I understand that the criteria of reduction of dt is the below, but I check the NIT and flow velocity, but I guessed that they are not the reason why dt diminishes.
(1) NIT becomes over max_iteration
(2) CFL condition is unsatisfied

If you know there are criteria other than the above two,
I would appreciate it if you could tell me.

Kind regards
Mitsuru Nishikawa

Hi Mitusuru. If you attach your simulation, we can try to help. Under the main menu, “Submit bug report” will create a ZIP file with all needed input files, you can post that here and someone will take a look.

Dear cgw

Thank you for your kind reply.

Unfortunately, I cannot share my input file or log data because of confidential information.

Now, I found that the cause of my problem is due to diverge/stalled check, and I could improve it by increasing linear solver’s iteration number and so on.

I would like to do my best for convergence.
If you have some documents or technical papers about general numerical stability (particularly Numerics in GUI), I deeply appreciate it.

Kind regards

The “Theory guide” and “Numerics guide” listed under “Legacy manuals” at MFiX Documentation - NETL Multiphase Flow Science are a bit old, but still contain relevant information. Other than that, I find the best way to figure out what is going on with MFiX is often to look at the code.