What does this error mean?

Hi, everyone,

When my MIFX-PIC case has been running for several hours, following error occurred. It seems it is about the parallel computation. Honestly, i know very little about it. Can you tell me what this error means and how to avoid this error?

Process exit mpirun -mca mpi_warn_on_fork 0 -np 9 /home/wu/r129/mfixsolver -s -f /home/wu/r129/dd.mfx
Previous MFiX run is resumable. Reset job to edit model
MFiX process has stopped

MFIX version: 20.2.1
OS : virtual machine. UBUNTU 16.04LTS installed in WIN10 environment


Hi Ming Wu -
Are there any other messages? If the solver exited abnormally, there should be a stack trace or some other diagnostic messages. Sometimes, especially on the Windows platform, these are not caught and reported correctly. I have not tried MFIX in a Ubuntu VM on Windows, so I’m not sure about the error-handling in that environment. Is anything printed above the “Process exit” message?

If you submit the project file I can try running it and see if we get any more information. Clicking “Submit bug report” from the main menu is the easiest way to do this.

  • Charles