When cell number increase,the RAM continue to increase until all memory is occupied

Hi everyone, as the title say, when the mesh number is 2828112, the simulation runs well.But when i refine the mesh to 56 * 56 * 224, the RAM continue to increase until all memory is occupied, and then the program crashes.
attached my simulation data, it is a simpel case in cyc boundary with heat transfer. my totao RAM is 125G, CPU`s core is 56.
usr_sources.f (6.3 KB)
cyc_dropp.mfx (14.8 KB)

Hi -

I ran this case for several hours and monitored the memory usage (resident set size, or RSS) with the ps command. I did not see any memory usage increase over time:


it’s consistently about 1.6GB. This is with ijkmax = 56,56,224

Can you tell me more about the system you ran this on? Did you compile the solver or are you using default? What operating system, version of Fortran, etc?

Thanks for your kindness.
I run this case in Centos linux release 7.4.1708,with Mfix version-22.1.1. And i compile the solver using:
build_mfixsolver --batch --dmp -j 24 FC=“mpifort”
gfortran is 4.8.5

Ok. I was only testing the serial solver (single CPU)

How are you launching the solver process? How many nodes are you running on? What are your settings of nodesi, nodesk, nodesk ?

i launching the simulation using :
mpirun -np 56 ./mfixsolver -f cyc_dropp.mfx NODESI=2 NODESJ=2 NODESK=14
,however i also try other nodes and settings,like NODESI=2 NODESJ=2 NODESK=8、NODESI=2 NODESJ=2 NODESK=6…they all face the same result.


I monitored two processes, PID 6994 was PE0 and 6998 was one of the other worker jobs. Memory usage for PE0 stayed constant, while the other fluctuates a bit but did not trend upward in 30 minutes.

Do you see a memory leak for the 2x2x2 decomposition?

What version of openmpi and gfortran? I’ve got

mpirun (Open MPI) 4.1.4
GNU Fortran (Gentoo 12.2.0 p1) 12.2.0

I test the 2x2x2 decomposition. RAM still increased,thought the velocity of increase get slower.
my softwares version are followed,
Open mpi 2.1.6;
Gfortran 4.8.5;

That is a very old Gfortran version. Can you try with newer GFortran and openmpi?

thanks for help, i upgrade the gcc and openmpi as followed,but the Mfix still choose a 4.8.5 version.Do I need to reinstall the Mfix?

That’s odd. Try doing make clean or deleting the build directory.