When do I need to rebuild the solver?

Hey guys,

I have a basic question about the solver. I’m trying to build a convection-reaction TFM. For different simulations I need to change the reaction rate coefficient, inlet velocity, and etc. Do I need to rebuild the solver each time I change these parameters? Or under what conditions do I need to rebuild the solver?


If you’re using the GUI it should warn you if you have Fortran source files that are newer than the solver executable.

Basically, you need to rebuild whenever:

  1. You are changing between DMP, SMP or serial options

  2. You modify any of the source files (the mfix “model” directory)

  3. You modify any of your user-defined FORTRAN files (UDFs). If you are modifying usr_rates.f or any file with a .f suffix, you must rebuild. The GUI should warn you before you start a run.

If you are only changing model parameters - either by using controls in the GUI or editing the mfix.dat or *.mfx file - you do not need to rebuild. These are input files that are processed by the solver at run-time.

Hope this helps,

  • Charles

Thanks a lot Charles! That’s very helpful! I need to modify the UDFs so I’ll need to rebuild. I’m running things from the command line so just wanted to make sure. Thank you!


By the way, is there a reason you prefer to use the command-line as opposed to GUI? As the main developer of the GUI I would like to know the reasons people are not using it. It’s intended to make things easier for you (like knowing when to rebuild the solver, etc).

– Charles

The only reason I’m using command line is that I need to run 1,000 simulations in parallel on the cluster of my school. The school cluster doesn’t seem to support the MFiX GUI, and I’m not sure if I can run 1,000 simulations in parallel through MFiX GUI either.

I use the MFiX GUI to develop my code 99% of the time though, and it’s been very helpful. I’m just very new to CFD since I was not an engineering student back in college. Thanks to your efforts on developing the GUI and helping me with my basic questions I have been finishing all my projects in time so far, Charles! :slight_smile:

You can use Nodeworks to run 1000s of MFIX simulations. It acts like a plugin to the GUI.


I see. Thanks Justin! I’ll try that out.