When running the project suddenly stops, click restart to start running from time zero

An error occurred while running MFiX. Please report this error at https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/forum/
If you continue running, the application may become unstable. Consider saving your work now.

Error: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\file_menu\open_widget.py", line 59, in open_project
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\gui.py", line 2963, in open_project
    self.post_open(project_file, pidfile)
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\gui.py", line 3154, in post_open
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\vtk_widgets\modeler.py", line 1320, in add_stl
    name = GeometryEngine.add_stl(self, filename, name, data, loading, proj_dir)
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\vtk_widgets\geometry_engine.py", line 294, in add_stl
    shutil.copy(filename, filename + '.original')
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\shutil.py", line 417, in copy
    copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\shutil.py", line 274, in copyfile
    _copyfileobj_readinto(fsrc, fdst, min(file_size, COPY_BUFSIZE))
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\shutil.py", line 178, in _copyfileobj_readinto
    n = fsrc_readinto(mv)

Save diagnostic report?
An error occurred while running MFiX. Please report this error at NETL Flow Science Software Support
If you continue running, the application may become unstable. Consider saving your work now.

Error: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\file_menu\open_widget.py", line 59, in open_project
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4.3\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\gui.py", line 2963, in open_project
    self.post_open(project_file, pidfile)
File "C:\Users\dell\.conda\envs\mfix-22.4

Now I have encountered this problem, may I ask why and how to solve it? Looking forward to your reply
mfix_2023-09-05T112340.593042.zip (1.8 MB)

I can’t say for sure, but the error happened when mfix was trying to copy an STL file into the project directory. I wonder if the disk filled up, or if there is some other kind of system problem unrelated to MFiX.

The ZIP file you uploaded is corrupt - it is literally a megabyte of binary 0s - which also points to some kind of system problem.

The disk is not full, but I do not know what causes the current result, how can I check the cause.
And the error report cannot be saved, and the software will automatically exit

Is the E: drive a network share? Is there some problem accessing it?

Will MFiX run if you use C: instead of E:?

Did you ever get this fixed? I am having the same issue.

Hi Molly, welcome to the MFiX forum. Please go to the main menu, select “Submit bug report” and upload the resulting ZIP file here. Thanks.

Thanks for the reply. managed to fix this by downloading the updated version of mfix opening this, then opening the original version. Which has worked not sure why? I assume the new version downloaded something which replaced a corrupted file.