Why don't display information about the temperature of each particle?

Hello researchers! I solved the energy equation while simulating particle fall, but the particle output file shows that the temperature is not read. Why is that? What do I need to do to display the temperature information for each particle? The relevant documents have been uploaded. Looking forward to hearing from you!
1mm-energy-luokeli.zip (31.7 MB)

Examining the code in read_particle_input.f:

! Temperature option
         call check_if_uniform(des_t_s,is_uniform, Uniform_Temperature)
         IF(is_uniform) THEN
            write(Temperature_setting,'(A,F14.8)') 'Temperature:     F  ', Uniform_Temperature
            Temperature_start   = -1
            column_header       = trim(column_header)//"  Temperature  |"
            Temperature_setting = 'temperature:     T'
            Temperature_start   = n_vars + 1
            n_vars              = n_vars + 1

         Temperature_setting = 'Temperature:     T          (Ignored if energy eq. is not solved)'
         Temperature_start   = -1


it appears that in your case, the particle temperatures are uniform (there is no fluid phase, this is pure granular flow, with no reactions, what would change the particle temperatures?) - looking at the particles with VTK they are all 293.15K

Furthermore I added a line:

          call check_if_uniform(des_t_s,is_uniform, Uniform_Temperature)
          write(*,*) "is_uniform", is_uniform, "T=", Uniform_Temperature

and you can see the is_uniform T in the output window.

If the particle temperatures were non-uniform, they would be written out per-particle.