The particle components of MFIX-Exa are a natural candidate for offloading to the GPU.
The particle kernels are compute-intensive and can in principle be processed asynchronously with parts of the fluid advance.
The particle kernels are compute-intensive and can in principle be processed asynchronously with parts of the fluid advance.
The core components of the particle method in MFIX-Exa are:
The core components of the particle method in MFIX-Exa are:
@@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ The above algorithm deals with constructing a neighbor list for the particles on
@@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ The above algorithm deals with constructing a neighbor list for the particles on
Once the neighbor list has been constructed, collisions with both particles and walls can easily be processed.
Once the neighbor list has been constructed, collisions with both particles and walls can easily be processed.
We have created a GPU branch of MFIX that is capable of running with GPU support. As of this writing, the following operations in MFIX have been offloaded:
MFiX-Exa currently runs on both CPU-only and hybrid CPU/GPU architectures.
- Neighbor particles / neighbor list construction
- Particle-particle collisions
- Particle-wall collisions
- PIC Deposition (used in putting the drag force and solids volume fraction on the grid)