3.11. Advanced TutorialsΒΆ

The following tutorials demonstrate advanced features that can be implemented with user defined files (UDFs). They require editing Fortran source files (usr_*.f or other *.f files) and building the custom solver.

  • Reacting flows

    • Silane Pyrolysis (2D TFM): Setup TFM reaction rates.

    • Silane Pyrolysis (3D PIC): Setup PIC/DEM reaction rates.

    • Absorption column (2D TFM): Setup TFM reaction rates and user-defined properties.

  • Transient keyframe data

    • Pulsating fluidized bed (TFM): Impose fluctuating inlet velocity.

    • Rotating drum (Granular DEM): Impose tangential velocity to wall.

    • Conveyor belts (Granular DEM): Impose tangential velocity to wall.

    • Screwfeeder (Granular DEM): Control a group of particles to represent moving geometry.

    • Mixer (Granular DEM): Control velocity of an Internal surface.

    • Mixer (Granular PIC): Control velocity of an Internal surface.