2D TEM mode with scalar


Type of issue
Setup in GUI, meshing, solver crash, solver non-convergence, etc.

Details on how to reproduce the issue. If MFiX crashed or failed, how long does it take?

Attempts to fix the issue
Include what you have tried, what helped and what didn’t help.

Did you?

  • Select the relevant category (Installation / How to / Bug report / Share)?
  • Search the forum for similar issues, Read the documentation (MFiX User Manual — MFiX 23.2 documentation)?
  • Inspect the console, error and warning messages?
  • Modify the code, or write UDFs?
  • Run the solver in debug mode?

Attach project files
Attach zip file generated from main menu> submit bug report.
fluid_bed_tfm_2d_11_2023-07-26T120700.198507.zip (26.9 KB)

I solve the 2D TFM with a scaler but an error is coming and attached is herewith. can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

There is an issue when writing the monitor data for the scalar 2 (solids phase). Please turn off monitor data for scalar 2 while we fix the issue.

Please double check the value you want to use for the packed bed void fraction and the initial bed solids fraction. You will get better initial convergence if you are below maximum packing.