2D TFM, remaining mass fraction

Hi all,
I’m running a 2D TFM fluidized bed with now 3 solid fractions with different diameters, and 1 fluid phase (air). I am monitoring transport of the smallest diameter fraction out the top outlet, as intended. But I would also like to get a sense of “progress”, by knowing how much is left inside of the fine fraction. Can this be calculated with a monitor, or by other means? I assume this will be a quasi mass, being a 2D simulation, but hopefully a number that is consistent with what’s being tracked at the outlet.

Side question: should other momentum formulations be considered when looking at polydispersed setups like this? I notice that two others become available, in addition to Model A and B.

Hi Kjetil

I may not be understanding your question completely but when you say “how much is left inside of the fine fraction”, would that be the same as the sum of the particle masses for that phase? If so, this is an easy monitor to set up - one of the defined monitor types is “sum”, and you could monitor particle mass, or equivalently, particle diameter - the total of this divided by the single particle mass or diameter gives you the number of particles.

If that’s not what you meant, please attach your model and explain what you are looking for.

Regarding your side question - is there a particular momenum formulation you are interested in?

– Charles

Thanks! It sounds like “sum” can do what I was thinking. I was partly wondering if this is something that can be calculated also from the results, and I assume this might be done in Paraview.

About the momentum equation - the reason for asking is that I’m just trying to pin down if there are any major errors in my setup, and the momentum equation was something I did not spend much time contemplating about in the beginning. Though, I also see that the viscous stress can be of importance here, I have for now also left this at algebraic, as I don’t have a feeling of how changing this affects a “powder-like fluidized bed”. From very rudimentary trials, I see that there is a noteable time penalty for the iterations when changing this to something other than algebraic.

I just tried to setup the “sum” monitor, but I am not able to select particle mass or diameter here. Is this because this is in 2D?


Sorry, I answered too quickly. You did mention that you are running a TFM model. Monitors for particle mass/diameter are considered “Particle data” rather than “Cell data” and this is not available for TFM.


However, for TFM/cell data you can monitor “Bulk density”, does this help?

– Charles

You can get the solids inventory from the Output>log pane:

The above will save the inventory (solid mass) for each phase in the file Sm.csv every 0.05 second.

You should have been able to do the same with a monitor, by computing the volume integral of the bulk density, but I just tested it and the result is wrong. There is an extra volume fraction in the computation. This will be fixed in the next release.

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Thanks Jeff, this was exactly what I was looking for.