About mesh in SMS

I’m having some problems when I use the SMS meshing workflow.
1.SMS mesher producing no fluid cells
2.There is no mesh on the top of geometry
I will put some details and .mfix file in the follows
The screenshot is as follows,

8-4.stl (2.0 KB)
T1_8-4.mfx (9.7 KB)

I‘m appreciating for your reply!

You should not use an STL file because all facets are on top of grid lines. Use the rectangular regions instead to define the wall regions.

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but the geometry is not a simple rectangular box
it is two orthogonal rectangles

You can use two rectangular regions (two boundary conditions, one for each region).

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Thank you very much for your patience and I tried it as you suggested.
But I still have a problem, I will put the screenshot and my related documents below, please help me take a look.
1.zip (1.8 MB)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

This error typically occurs when the mesh is too coarse compared with the geometry. Please try first with larger rectangular regions until you get familiar with the settings.

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I don’t quite understand what do you mean by"try first with larger rectangular regions".
In fact, I tried it as you suggested and still had problems, did I misunderstand?
Can you give some specific pictures to illustrate?
Thanks again!

Your regions are thinner that the grid spacing so they cannot be meshed. If you use larger (maybe I should have said thicker) regions, you will be able to mesh them and get started, then you can go back to the intended geometry and refine the mesh. Please see an example:
1.mfx (14.4 KB)

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Thank you! I finally solved this problem that had been bothering me for a long time!
It was I who misunderstood the internal logic of MFIX drawing grid before.
Because I have been using other software (such as ICEM) for a long time, I confused the difference.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Cheers! :grinning: