About the output data in dem-model

accrording to the latest MFiX User Manual (HTML), There should be a “runname”_des.pvd file, But ,i tried so many times ,and there are no such file exist .WHY and what should i do?

I see two *.pvd files in your list (BACKGROUND_IC.pvd and BACKGROUND_IC_1.pvd). Those are the files you want. The *.pvd is simply an xml file that associates time with the *.vtp or *.vtu files. The particle data is saved in the *.vtp files. So, open the BACKGROUND_IC_1.pvd file in Paraview.

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The “runname”_des.pvd files are legacy ASCII files (Output>SPx pane). The files you see are what you should use. They are binary (smaller) and can be visualized in the GUI.

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