Air not getting into my fluidized bed

Hey guys,

I’m running the following 2D fluidized bed model. 2d_jelly_roll.mfx (25.2 KB)

Air goes in from the bottom left, then through the fluidized bed, and gets out from the top.

When I ran the simulation, I could see the velocity field changing in the visualization. However, when I tried to visualize my CO2 fraction, it was weird. It was as if the CO2 just bounced back immediately after entering the inlet. Does anyone know what is happening please? Thanks a lot!

Please check the units of your model. It is currently setup to be 21x28 meters, and the inlet velocity is about 8mm/s so nothing much is happening over 2 seconds of simulation. My guess is the “2.54” you use in the dimension is an inch and it should be “0.0254” meter (everything needs to be in SI units). You can also use the built-in parameter “ins” to use inches in expressions.

The other issue is the order of the IC matters. Here you first define the bed, and then the container, which is larger than the bed and has a zero void fraction. This means the bed value is overwritten and you end up with no bed. If you want to have a non-zero void fraction, define the container first, then the bed. We recommend keeping the default “Background IC” region which initializes the entire domain to stagnant air.

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I see. You are right. I turned the air inflow velocity 1,000 times faster and I could see CO2 getting in. I also switched the order of my ICs as you suggested. Thanks a lot Jeff!
