At line 1058 of file degrid.f Fortran runtime error

Hi I was trying to simulate a fluidized bed in a cylinder bed. The case can not run and get the following error.
Is this problem has relation to do with mesh?
At line 1058 of file C:\Users\Administrator\scoop\apps\miniconda3\current\conda-bld\mfix-solver_1611667054526\work\model\des\desgrid_mod.f
Fortran runtime error: Index ‘-703’ of dimension 1 of array ‘dg_pic’ below lower bound of 1 (47.9 KB)

Your initial granular temperature is too large . Granular temperature is a measure of velocity fluctuation and has units (m/s)^2, not Kelvins. Setting a non-zero value of ic_theta_m will set an initial random velocity to particles. Here it sets too large of a velocity and particles leave the domain. Set a zero value or a small value ic_theta_m(2,1) = 0.1 and it will run.

Thank you very much. The case works now