Bauer & Schlunder thermal conductivity model

Dear MFiX forum,
I have been checking the equations of Bauer & Schlunder model following the theoretical review: Theoretical Review of the MFIX Fluid and Two-Fluid Models (

However, I am unable to replicate the results of Figure 3-4 using the same values of conductivities stated in the review. I have in fact copy-pasted (and adapted) the code in MFiX and I am still not replicating the values in the graph.

I am doing something wrong or there is a typo in the equations? Also, I was wondering about the validity of that model for high thermal conductivity particles (values around 200-300 W/(m·K).

Thank you for your help!

Can you please attach the input files for your simulation?


there is no associated simulation. I am just trying to replicate the curves in Figure 3-4 by manually implementing the equations in the Theory Guide in Matlab. However, the bed conductivities I am obtaining are not coherent with the curves in Figure 3-4. I have tripled-checked everything and I am still getting some different curves, which is why I wonder if I am doing something wrong or if there is something weird with the equations. I can attach the Matlab files if needed.

Thank you!

Please attach your Matlab files, but I cannot guarantee that we have the resources to follow up.

Hello Charles,
please see attached the Matlab file. I checked it again, it is probably something silly, but I don’t see where the difference can come from.
Thanks! (690 Bytes)

I was able to run your MATLAB code and for reference this is what the plot looks like:

and here’s figure 3-4 from the cited paper:

I wrote a small Python script to do the calculations from the paper, and here’s my result:


This looks a lot closer to your result than figure 3-4 in the cited paper.

Here’s the script that produced above plot:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  Attempt to reproduce figure 3-4 from reference 1
# References:
# 1:
# 2:

from math import *
ln = log

# table 2-3
𝑇_𝑟𝑒𝑓 = 300
𝜅_𝑟𝑒𝑓 = 0.0252

# eq 3.87
𝜌_𝑘 = sqrt(3.5E-4)

# eq 3.86
𝜑 = 23 * 𝜌_𝑘**2 / (1 + 22*𝜌_𝑘**(4/3))

for 𝑇_𝑔 in range(300, 2101, 300):
    output = open('T%d.dat' % 𝑇_𝑔, 'w')
    𝜀_𝑔 = 0.15
    while 𝜀_𝑔 <= 1.0:
        # eq 3-88
        𝐵 = 1.25 * pow((1-𝜀_𝑔)/𝜀_𝑔, 10/9)

        # eq 2-28
        𝜅_𝑔 = 𝜅_𝑟𝑒𝑓 * sqrt(𝑇_𝑔 / 𝑇_𝑟𝑒𝑓)

        # eq 3-89
        𝑅 = 1 / 𝜅_𝑔

        # eq 3-86
        𝛤 = (-2/(1-𝐵/𝑅)) * ( 𝐵*(𝑅-1) / (𝑅*(1-(𝐵/𝑅))**2) * ln(𝐵/𝑅) +
                             (𝐵-1) / (1-(𝐵/𝑅)) + (𝐵+1)/2 )

        # eq 3-85
        𝜅_𝑏 = 𝜅_𝑔 * sqrt(1 - 𝜀_𝑔) * (𝜑*𝑅 + (1-𝜑)*𝛤)

        output.write("%g %g\n" % (𝜀_𝑔, 𝜅_𝑏))
        𝜀_𝑔 += 0.001

and gnuplot was used for producing the plot (1.1 KB)

More investigation is called for.

Hello Charles,

thank you for your answer and for the code. I will in parallel also dig a bit on why this difference may come from. I will get in touch in case I find some useful information.

Kind regards,

The most complex equation is 3-86 for 𝛤 and I suspected this was most likely to contain a typo. However lines 120-121 of calc_k_s.f read

               BoR  = BB/R_km
               L_rm = -(2.d0/(ONE-BoR)) * &
                      ( ((R_km-ONE)/(ONE-BoR)**2)*BoR*LOGo(BoR) + &
                        (BB-ONE)/(ONE-BoR) + (BB+ONE)/2.d0 )

L_rm is the variable referred to as 𝛤 in the paper.

I was able to copy this into the Python and run it, with only trivial modifications (2.d0 → 2)

        𝛤 = (-2/(1-𝐵/𝑅)) * ( 𝐵*(𝑅-1)* ln(𝐵/𝑅) / (𝑅*(1-(𝐵/𝑅))**2)  +
                             (𝐵-1) / (1-(𝐵/𝑅)) + (𝐵+1)/2 )

        BoR = B/R
        ONE = 1
        BB = B
        R_km = R
        LOG = log
        L_rm = ( -(2/(ONE-BoR)) *
                 ( ((R_km-ONE)/(ONE-BoR)**2)*BoR*LOG(BoR) +
                   (BB-ONE)/(ONE-BoR) + (BB+ONE)/2. ))

        if (abs(𝛤-L_rm)) > 1e-12:
            print(𝛤, L_rm, 𝛤-L_rm)

I’m seeing differences on the order of 1e-15, due to different order-of-operations. But this shows that our 𝛤 at least is correct.

My guess is what is plotted on Fig 3.4 is actually Ks (Eq. 3.84) not Kb (Eq. 3.85). Can you please try that and see if it makes more sense?

No, I’m afraid that’s not it.

Eq 3.48 reads 𝜅_𝑠 = 𝜅_𝑏 / (1 - 𝜀_𝑔)

So as 𝜀_𝑔 goes to 1, this increases rather than decreasing … totally different shape, as in these plots:

I communicated with one of the authors of the paper and we believe the published Fig 3-4 is in error.

The published equations are correct and the above plots above produced by @edcanop and myself are also correct. Fig 3-4 is incorrect due to an error in the computation of gamma,


instead of
