BC errors _ DEM Simulation with STL Geometry

I have encountered those two errors for my dem simulation with an stl geometry. I have checked similar topics, however the solutions provided didn’t help with my case. I’m using version 21.1.4 and I uploaded my project file. Can you kindly run and tell me what’s wrong with it? Here are the errors.

1st error:
Error 1100: No un-cut fluid cells adjacent to DEM_MI staging area.
Unable to setup the discrete solids mass inlet for BC: 1

Comment: BC 1 for me is the no slip wall of STL type. What can I do about this error? I have made my pseudo 2d (1 cell in Z-direction) domain similar to the “2d psuedo hopper tutorial”. I tried to extend the domain beyond the STL region but it didn’t work.

2nd error:
Error 1110: Solids velocity for BC 3 is too low to satisfy DEM

Comment: I have already used the specified mass flow rate in a similar 2d case and it worked. Is it because I’m using STL geometry?

Project file:
120_cone_2021-07-11T184201.880329.zip (175.8 KB)


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Please make sure your normals are pointing in the right direction and inspect your mesh to see if all BCs are represented in the mesh.

The first error may be due to too coarse of a mesh. It indicates that the Mass inlet doesn’t have uncut cells.

The second error may be a side effect of the first error. If not, you can try to adjust the solids velocity and solids fraction to get the mass flow rate you want.

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