Can Geldart A particles be used in MFIX PIC?

Hi developer, I’m trying to simulate the flow of Geldart A particles in a bubbling bed using the PIC method, but when I set up the IC, it always reminds me that the number of particles is too high, so is it possible that the PIC method is not applicable to class A particles?

Hi. Could you answer my question? Or any advice?Thank you very much.

I believe this is an estimate of the number of physical particles. If your statistical weight is say 100, this means you have 10 Million parcels which is doable with PIC. I recommend running the parallel (DMP) solver.

(In general, you will have a better chance of getting an answer if you provide more details)

OK, Thank you very much.The fluidized bed has a diameter of 0.152 m and a height of 3 m. The initial height of the particles is 0.8 m with a void fraction of 0.42. The particles in the simulation are Geldart A particles with a particle diameter of 78.6um and a density of 1780kg/m3, the details of the case are in the file below. (28.8 MB)