"Cartesian_grid_tutorials" file help

Hi everyone,
I was recently reviewing “Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges
Cartesian Grid User Guide”.I found the “Tutorial files” for Chapter 8, but I didn’t find the “Cartesian_grid_tutorials” tutorial file.

Can you share the tutorial file “Cartesian_grid_tutorials”?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Please download the 22.1 tarball at Register - NETL Multiphase Flow Science and go to the “Source/pip” tab.

Once downloaded, extract the tarball. The Cartesian grid tutorials are located in

Please note that these are not supported by the GUI since they do not use stl files for the geometry, but they can be run at the command line.

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Thank you very much for your reply! I found this file. However, I don’t quite understand running this tutorial on the command line.Is there any tutorial on how to run it on the command line?

Please see 6. Running the Solver — MFiX 22.1 documentation

Thank you very much for your reply! I will try to run this tutorial file.