Cell numbers in .OUTfile


Cell numbers above 999 are not displayed in the .OUT file (displayed as *** instead).

Would it be possible to print them in MFiX 22.3.1 by any small changes to the code?

Thank you.

Please try this: go to the bottom of out_array_kc.f around line 94:

5100 FORMAT(1X,I3,8X,24(A4,1X))

Change the I3 into I4 in the format specifier:

5100 FORMAT(1X,I4,8X,24(A4,1X))

Then rebuild the solver so the change takes effect.

Hi, It worked. Thank you.

I also made the same change in out_array_k.f so that the change is applied to the entire .OUT file. :slight_smile: