Cells and Particles Visualization Issue


I have checked the “pseudo_2d_hopper” case and I building a similar model but with different shape, so I imported an stl geometry to mfix. The problem is that the visualization of the cells looks faulty. See the attached photo. Also the “points” pane is disabled, however I allow saving particle data in the “vtk” sub-pane in the “output” pane.


Here is the project file:
run15_120_2021-07-09T170656.938761.zip (713.9 KB)

I have checked related topics, however I didn’t find an answer to my issue yet. Please help.
Thanks in advance,

Here is the problem. It is blocking most of the cells. Why is this happening?

NUMBER OF STANDARD CELLS = 160 ( 2.32 % of Total)
NUMBER OF CUT CELLS = 66 ( 0.96 % of Total)
NUMBER OF FLUID CELLS = 226 ( 3.28 % of Total)
NUMBER OF BLOCKED CELLS = 6674 ( 96.72 % of Total)

Did you check your STL normals are pointing in the correct direction? This is a common issue.

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Thanks for your reply. I checked the stl normals as you recommended and they were pointing in the wrong direction and I flipped them and problem solved.

Thanks a lot.