Hey MFix Community. I am just learning to use MFix, v24.4 on Windows. I can run some of the tutorials, but I am having trouble finding out how to change the variable that is visualized in the VTK Viewer. I am just running the built-in 2D TFM fluid bed, compiling, and hitting run, but I can only plot EP_G under VTK (same issue for other cases I have run). May anyone show me how to change the VTK viewer to a different variable?
In the Video for the 3.2 Tutorial I see an eye they click on the toolbar for the VTK viewer, but I don’t see that in my toolbar. I tried searching for help on this, but I could not find it, so if this is a repeat question or I am posting this incorrectly please let me know.
Screenshots from my code
Screenshot from 3.2 Tutorial Video
fluid_bed_tfm_2d_VTK_testing.mfx (10.3 KB)