Changing Variable for MFIX VTK Viewer

Hey MFix Community. I am just learning to use MFix, v24.4 on Windows. I can run some of the tutorials, but I am having trouble finding out how to change the variable that is visualized in the VTK Viewer. I am just running the built-in 2D TFM fluid bed, compiling, and hitting run, but I can only plot EP_G under VTK (same issue for other cases I have run). May anyone show me how to change the VTK viewer to a different variable?

In the Video for the 3.2 Tutorial I see an eye they click on the toolbar for the VTK viewer, but I don’t see that in my toolbar. I tried searching for help on this, but I could not find it, so if this is a repeat question or I am posting this incorrectly please let me know.

Screenshots from my code

Screenshot from 3.2 Tutorial Video

fluid_bed_tfm_2d_VTK_testing.mfx (10.3 KB)

Issue resolved.

Never mind. I did not realize if you click the triangles on the side bar it opens more information for each of objects, etc. I can now change the variable. Just a beginner mistake of clicking the wrong parts of buttons. Admins feel free to take this down if this is not helpful.

Glad you figured it out, Bryan. And welcome to the MFiX forum. Don’t hesitate to post questions here, especially well-formed ones with screenshots and file attachments, like this one!

– Charles