Continue running with changed boundary condition

As you can see after running the case file up to 100 seconds,

I want to change the boundary or point source condition and

continue running the case up to 150 seconds.

How can I change the condition and continue running the case?


Can you make it clear how you would like to change the boundary condition?
Just change the value, or change the location of a boundary condition, or change a boundary condition to a different boundary?

For now, just a point source velocity.

I initiated the downward microjet velocity 200 m/s in the TFM 2D fluidized bed.

After 60 seconds of running, I want to stop the point source (velocity 0 m/s).

And 40 seconds additional running without the microjet.

If the GUI prevents you changing the point source inlet velocity after running 60s, you can hack it by copy the .mfix file outside of your project folder, change the boundary condition (also work for other parameters), then copy .mfix file back to you project folder, then continue run it.

There are two ways to change a value during a run. You can pause the simulation, using the pause icon on the top toolbar, change values, and unpause. Or you can stop the run completely and restart it.

In either case, the GUI only allows certain values to be changed while the run is in the paused or “stopped/resumable” state. This is intentional - the solver does not allow all values to be modified while a job is running or paused. For example, it makes no sense to modify initial conditions once the simulation has started. Certain keys are “locked” after a job starts. However, boundary conditions should be modifiable.

Regarding gaoxi’s comment about editing the mfix file externally: you can do this, but it’s not advisable. If the GUI is preventing you from changing a value, that’s happening for a good reason - either the key is locked, and you should not change it, OR, if it’s a key that really should be editable but the GUI is not allowing it, then you’ve found a bug in the GUI which you should report. The GUI is trying to show you which keys are modifiable and which are not, so perhaps it’s best not to to work around that.

I tested changing the point source upon restart and pause/resume. Both worked. Make sure you change the point source mass flow rate. If you set the mass flow rate to zero, then the velocity must also be set to zero.

Thank you very much for the responses!