Dem of hopper on bed

Respected seniors,
I have the run the dem of hopper by removing the cone of hopper in fluid solver.
Now i want to add a bed under the hopper so i can see how particles drop on the bed.
looking farward to your positive response.

In the GUI, go to the FIle menu (Top left icon), select new. This will show a list of sample files. Double click on the 3D DEM granular flow hopper case.

thanks,but in my case i specifically want to remove the cone and there must be certain gap between hopper outlet and the bed.
can you guide me regarding that,do i need to insert custom stl file to the scene or this can work?
and the boundary conditions will change if i add straight bed under the hopper?

Not sure I understand. If you want to change the geometry between consecutive runs, that is not possible, unless it is pure granular flow (and even this is not straighforward nor guaranteed this will work). If you have a specific geometry you can share, please attach a diagram with boundary conditions clearly identified.

To define a geoemtry, you can see if any of the wizards will work for you: 4.2. Geometry — MFiX 19.2.0 documentation

Otherwise, you will need to create your own stl file and import it into the GUI.

here is the attached diagram.
now i want to move the upper nozzle or bed in xy direction so particles can be deposited on whole changing the translation or rotational it only changes the particle movement not the nozzle movement xy direction.

Are you talking about moving walls/stl files? If you are, MFiX does not natively support this.

i want to move the red in circle area in xy direction.
does mfix support this if not which other software you will recommend that can import file from mfix?

Sorry, I still do not understand what you want to do so I am unable to help.

sorry for posting this late.
i have this one question,how i can move this upper portion(the circled one) in x direction while the bottom portion remains fix?

Click on the hopper object and change the Translation X value…

@onlyjus it changes direction and keeps its position fixed,but i want to move this continously in controlled way? how i can do this?

You mean move the STL as a function of time? MFiX does not have an option to do that. However if it is granular flow (no fluid) you can move the STL file using UDFs. I don’t know how to do that though. See