The particles are supposed to escape through the ends of the 18 pipes. I have two seperate STLs, for the Walls and for the 18 Outlet-Circles in XY plane at the end of the pipes. As you can see they are in the middle of the domain not protruding out of it.
How do I properly prescribe Pressure outflow BC for it?
1)I have tried making a Region with stl of outlets checked and Filter facets based on normals, vector Z(1.0) include , invert (shows 9000 selected facets). The Pressure Outflow condition doesnt work.
2) I have tried making a plane in region in XY plane exactly at the outlets level without checking STL, it says missing fluid and wall cells.
How do I prescribe Pressure_outflow condition on the outlets without changing the geometry.
(notice that the cutting plane for the outlets also passes through the walls STL.