Display problems of model and results

Hi, I tried to repeat the tutorial case 3.8 with MFix-21.4. But I had problems about the display of model.
The picture below is from tutorials.

And the picture below is my case. The region is completely non-transparent.

Then I tried to low the opacity value to 0.9 in Regions but the model was missing.
Besides, there is no clyclone image in results animation compared with tutorials though I set the Geometry opacity to 1.00.

How to get the display like tutorial case? Thank you for your advice.

Hi Jin.

Try setting “Background mesh” to “wire” instead of “edges” - as per this figure in the documentation:


Thank you for your advice. But it didnot work. The problem is that when the opacity of geometry, background mesh, boundary mesh, and regions is 1.00, the display above is normal. However, when the opacity is below 1.00, all of these disappear instead of becoming more transparent.

What version of VTK? You can see it on the “about” section of the main menu.

Can you send a screenshot of what you see when you:

and your settings in the “geometry” section?



First screenshot has Regions selected, so the opaque region display there is not a bug. Click on this button to make your display match the tutorial.

The big grey box is the ‘BACKGROUND_IC’ region. In the tutorial image, opacity for regions was set to 0.5. Not sure why you don’t see the geometry after you run the simulation. Maybe try to play with the geometry style and opacity see if this helps.

Hi, dear jeff
I met same problem about “Decreased opacity lead to geometry disappears”.
In the model panel, only geometry with opacity of 1 will be displayed. Any other value geometry disappears(Equivalent to 0 opacity).Just as shown below:

The same is true of geometry in the vtk panel.
I use the Ubuntu Linux system. Is it because of the lack of packages in my Linux system? (because opacity is normal in Windows mfix)
Hope to your reply!
Thank you!

Do you get any OpenGL warnings in the console?

Some warnings did appear. I can’t quite understand what they mean. Is that why the geometric opacity display is abnormal?Could you give some suggestions on how to solve it?
Thanks a lot!

The HTTPSConnectionPool time out means you can’t reach the internet.

The other numpy warnings are down in the plotting (working on cleaning this up for future releases).

I don’t see any OpenGL warnings. Can you post the following info?

Just as follow:

Thanks a lot!

That all looks fine. So I am not sure why the opacity is not working. Does everything else work?

Yes, I haven’t found any other problems yet.
In the Linux version of paraview, transparency also does not work.
However, in the Windows version, the opacity of Mfix and Paraview is normal.
In fact, opacity can be displayed normally in 21.3.2 and previous mfix versions (not abnormal in later versions). Recently, I reinstalled ubuntu and then installed mfix. The opacity of all versions cannot be displayed normally.
Since no exception occurred in other calculations, this problem I encountered maybe is not very critical.
Thanks for your attention!

Since you are having the same issue with Paraview (MFIX and Paraview both use the VTK library), then it seems like there is some issue with the libraries in your Ubuntu image.

None of these messages relate to OpenGL or display issues.

The first one is a network error, trying to check for availability of a new MFiX version, failed after one second. This error appears from time to time, due to network issues, and is harmless.

The remaining messages Mean of empty slice come from the plotting window trying to plot an empty dataset. This is also harmless, but should be fixed so that this message does not confuse users. We will get this cleared up for the upcoming 22.4 release.

Messages relating to OpenGL and display usually contain some string like GL

OK.Thank you very much!

OK.Thanks for your clear explanation!