Download 24.1 tarball or wheel

| Installation | How to |
I am sure I am missing something, but I cant find in the download page the tarball or wheel package for pip installation. Can someone please help me?

Then maybe someone could tell me if the offline pip installation is not supported any more?

Hi Ernesto. The conda installation is strongly recommended. We stopped producing wheels a while ago because there was little or no demand. The page on the website with the source tarballs was removed, but a few people have asked for the source tarballs so we will try to get that restored. Thanks for your patience. Is there a particular reason you do not want to install via conda/mamba?

– Charles

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Hi Charles,
There are many and well documented reasons on why one may be better off avoiding conda, but that’s probably to be discussed elsewhere. However, in my case, the most important reason is corporative policy: not conda, mamba or pip for that matter, can download “things” from the web: I have to do an off-line installation of the package and … of all the dependencies! :frowning:
Thanks a lot!


Conda has been a huge help to the MFiX project. I don’t think we’d be able to support the Windows and MacOS platforms without it. I’m sorry you are forced to work in such a restrictive environment! We will get the source tarballs restored to the website. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Your help is much appreciated. BTW, I wonder where i can download the source tarballs if it was restored ? The same link in the MFiX User Manual?(Download MFiX Today! - NETL Multiphase Flow Science)