Error 1000 for the hopper_dem_3d sample from the GUI


I get the following 1000 ERROR generate_particles_mod.f:372
Error 1000: Invalid IC region volume: IC= 2 VOL= 0.0000E+00

With the 18.1.5 version all ran fine, any idea what is wrong? Coordinates seem to be read correctly.

Many thanks in advance!

best regards

geometry.stl (913.3 KB)
hopper_dem_3d.mfx (11.9 KB)
geometry.stl (913.3 KB)
hopper_dem_3d.mfx (11.9 KB)

MFiX version: 19.1.2.post0
Python version: 3.7.2 (default, Dec 29 2018, 00:00:04) [Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]
Qt Wrapper: PyQt5
Qt Version: 5.9.6
qtpy Version: 1.6.0
Numpy Version: 1.15.4
Nodeworks Version: Unavailable
Flask Version: 1.0.2
Sphinx Version: Unavailable
psutil Version: 5.5.0
VTK Version: 8.2.0
OpenGL Backend: None
System info: Darwin release 18.5.0 running on x86_64
Install location: /Users/thorstenkeiter/anaconda3/envs/mfix-19.1/share/mfix
Default Solver executable:/Users/thorstenkeiter/anaconda3/envs/mfix-19.1/bin/mfixsolver
Solver source code: /Users/thorstenkeiter/anaconda3/envs/mfix-19.1/share/mfix/src

I found the solution: just needed to set my keyboard from German to English - with that the comma in the .stl file for the vertex data switched to dots and now it works.

That is interesting. We are using VTK to write the stl files…

just to be precise: I changed my system language to English - wonder if there is any setting/paramter to force VTK to ignore the German system language to switch the ‘,’ and the ‘.’