Error 1003: The number of requested processors is inconsistent with the domain decomposition, (NODESi * NODESj * NODESk)

When I try to run my tutorial on clusters,there are something wrongs :The number of requested processors is inconsistent with the domain decomposition, (NODESi * NODESj * NODESk). (131.6 KB) (38.1 MB)

But my command line is mpirun -np 8 mfixsolver -f nohigh.mfx.It’s too strange,I don’t know if it’s the solver or the case that’s wrong.
I have uploaded my solver and the source code I need to compile it.I’ve also uploaded my own case setup and error report.
Thank you very much!

I am assuming you built the DMP solver and you are running from the project directory.

Please try:

mpirun -np 8 ./mfixsolver -f nohigh.mfx

i.e. with the “./” in front of “mfixsolver”. My guess is you are using the default solver.

Thank you for your reply,Jeff.
I try your method,but it’s wrong.

I compiled the dmp solver in this directory:/public3/home/sc55675/anaconda3/envs/mfix-21.4/share/mfix/src/model.
The compile command I use is
source /public3/soft/modules/
module purge
module load mpi/intel/17.0.5-cjj-public3

source activate mfix-21.4
cd /public3/home/sc55675/anaconda3/envs/mfix-21.4/share/mfix/src/model
env FC=mpiifort build_mfixsolver --batch --dmp

The run command I use is
source /public3/soft/modules/
module purge
module load mpi/intel/17.0.5-cjj-public3
source activate mfix-21.4
export PATH=$PATH:/public3/home/sc55675/anaconda3/envs/mfix-21.4/share/mfix/src/model
cd /public3/home/sc55675/test-mfix/nohigh
mpirun -np 8 ./mfixsolver -f nohigh.mfx

I think I have built dmp solver already,but I can’t use it.

If this is your project directory (where the .mfx file is):

and you are running the mpirun command from there (using ./mfixsolver), then you need to have the mfixsolver in the project directory.

If mfixsolver is not present in the project directory, try:
cd /public3/home/sc55675/test-mfix/nohigh
env FC=mpiifort build_mfixsolver --batch --dmp

Verify you have mfixsolver in the project directory from the “ls” output. If so run the code with:

mpirun -np 8 ./mfixsolver -f nohigh.mfx

Thank you very much!Jeff ,I solve it.