Error 1100: Invalid location specified for BC 6

I put the x/y/z values in Mesh-Background pane. And I press the ‘generate’, then I got this massage. What can I do? (41.5 MB)

ERROR from check_data/check_bc_geometry.f:522
Error 1100: Invalid location specified for BC 6.
X: 3950.0 , 3950.0 I: 501, 501
Y: -3350.0 , -4100.0 J: 120, 90
Z: 3500.0 , 4500.0 K: 50, 64

This means the y-coordinates of BC#6 are in the wrong order.

However, are you sure these are the correct dimensions? These are expressed in meters and you full domain extends up to 32 km in the z-direction.