Error 1201 Error reported when reading particle input file

When I try to read the particle_input data, this error occurs. But I check the input file and the data is complete.

![1616483634(1)|600x292]( (1.0 MB) ad://ipfP9dR0QMUlItQaeaGMplQv42e.png)

You are solving Energy and species equations, and you are tracking user scalars, so you need some input for these variables (either a constant value for all particles or individual values for each particles). Below is an example for constant values (please adjust to fit your needs):

Coordinates: T Must always be T
Phase_ID: F 1
Diameter: F 0.0010
Density: F 2340.
Velocity: F 0.0 0.0 0.0
Temperature: F 343.15
Species: F 1.0 0.0
User_Scalar: F 0.0 0.0 0.0

With the above, particle_input.dat is read without errors. The simulation fails though, I didn’t attempt to fix it, but it could be that the mass inlet BC with zero velocity is the issue.