Error 1302: FEDORS_LANDEL correlation is for binary mixtures (MMAX=2) (5.9 KB) (1.3 KB)

Hello, everyone. I added calcium carbonate into the case of variable density(Biomass gasification tutorial) to decompose into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when heated, and it made the following mistake. What is the reason for the mistake?

this samulation is mfix21.4

You have 3 solids phase and you selected the Fedor-Landel correlation which can only be used with 2 solids phases.

The GUI should not allow you to select Fedor-Landel if you have 3 solids phase. Can you please describe the steps you took to set this up, or did you edit the .mfx file?

@jeff.dietiker - You can get around this check in the GUI by adding species after the correlation model is already set. In this case, I think that’s what happened - they started with the existing Biomass tutorial, and added a third species. I will fix this for the next release. If you go back to the TFM tab after adding the species, the GUI will catch the conflicting setting but it requires visiting that tab.

@Yu_Benzhi - the message is telling you that you have selected an incompatible option.

If you need to find the control associated with a particular MFiX keyword, click the Search

icon in the top toolbar and search for the keyword. The “Locate control” button will take you to the relevant item in the interface.

Visiting the TFM tab should correct this:


– Charles

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Thank you very much for your reply. What should I do when I arrive at the following location according to the route you recommended?

As you can see, the Feders/Landel model is disabled. You can choose either constant correlation, or use the Yu/Standish model. There are literature citations in the help browser and in the tooltip that appears over each menu item, it’s up to you to decide which is appropriate for your simulation. If you have no reason to prefer Yu/Standish, then you can use Constant, which is simplest.

– Charles

Still not successful, we will talk about it tomorrow, China side at 22.00 PM, thank you for your advice

As with the previous FEDORS_LANDAU warning, the error message tells you what the problem is, you just have to interpret the message (which is not always as easy as it could be!).

In this case, the offending keyword is C_PG0/Cps0. However the message is not telling you which one, and C_PS0 should have an underscore in it (I will fix this!).

C_PG0 is a constant density for the gas phase, and C_PS0 is the same thing for solids. This is very common in MFiX, where a key has ‘g’ in it for gas and ‘s’ for solid.

The keys associated with the gas phase are scalar (single value), while the solids-phase keys are arrays indexed by solid phase #.

Poking around a bit, I find this setting, which is the cause of this error message.

– Charles

Thank you very much for the success of this reaction. I would like to further understand the case of this reaction, and I may have further questions to ask you. If I were in China, I might send you a cup of coffee with Meituan (The largest food delivery company in China). thanks again for solving a problem that has been bothering me for two weeks.

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I’ll take a nice cup of Oolong tea :tea: Thanks!