ERROR check_data_30.f:299 Unphysical field variables detected on one or more processes

I want to study about gasification and I build this model. My PIC model was going accurately according to experimental results but CO was going up rapidly after then 1.6 sec and software gave an error at 1.8xx sec.

What means unphysical field variable and what can i do on this situation?

I use 20.4.3 and UbuntuOS (9.0 MB)

edit: I found this extra log file mentioned below

ERROR check_data_30.f:670
Fatal Error: Unphysical field variables detected.
11 76 2 T_G = 250.0 <= 250.0
ERROR check_data_30.f:670
Fatal Error: Unphysical field variables detected.
11 76 2 T_G = 249.9 <= 250.0

This means the gas temperature went below 250K and it is being flagged as an unphysical value. It can occur if your reaction rates are too large. Please check your reaction rates.

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