Error check data.F:295

I want to test the RTD in two kinds of spout fluidized bed. This case(with two types of gas as tracer) works well when I take away the components in the spout region. If I turn off the species equation and only injects air, the case with the inner components also works well. However, i got this problem when i add the inner plates and two kinds of gas. I got this problem when the case run to 0.116 s. Thus, it makes it difficult for me to debug.
I do not know what is wrong with my case. (3.7 MB)

The mesh is not intersecting the STL file. I used a transform filter to scale the stl in the Z direction. This causes the STL to hang over the domain boundary, resulting in a better slice. Also, not all the facets were selected in the STL “wall” region. I also increased the number of cells in the Y direction. You need enough cells to resolve this small feature.

I got the error at 0.086s:

At line 287 of file /.nfs/home/3/jweber/mfix/model/check_data_30.f
Fortran runtime error: End of record

The Fortran code in that file, starting on line 287 is:

            WRITE (ERR_MSG, 3000) trim(error_message)

3000        FORMAT('Unphysical field variables detected.', &
                   2/, 3X, 'I', 6x, 'J', 6x, 'K', 5x, 'Value', 8x, 2x, 'Bound', 5x, 'Variable', /, A)

Looks like something is not converging.

The solver is generating messages like:

INFO check_data_30.f:373
Time =  0.15136E-03
Warning: The sum of mass fractions is not equal to one.
Statistics of sum of gas species mass fraction
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.99981
Maximum sum of X_g=  1.0000
Sum of X_g      No of Cells  Distribution
<0.9                      0      0.0000
0.9    - 0.99            0      0.0000
0.99   - 0.999           0      0.0000
0.999  - 0.9999        812     0.44241E-01
0.9999 - 1.0001      17542     0.95576
1.0001 - 1.001           0      0.0000
1.001  - 1.01            0      0.0000
1.01   - 1.1             0      0.0000
>1.1                      0      0.0000

which over time show that the mass fraction is not summing to 1 and getting worse as time increases:

Minimum sum of X_g= 0.99981
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.99952
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.99864
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.99444
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.97929
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.95222
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.92742
Minimum sum of X_g= 0.90414

Yes, I got the same problem. I also give different gas composition for injecting but it did not work.

Please try with the attached. Your mesh is way too coarse and you don’t have side and front wall BCs defined. I ran with 80 cores, not sure how fast it would run in serial.

ceshi.mfx (25.7 KB)

Thanks for your help. Your solution really helps a lot.