Error coming while build the solver

Dear Expert,
I want to stimulate the 2D TFM simulation, and for that, I saved the reaction rate (IJK) to edit GPU. For that, I tried to build the solver but an error was coming I could not understand what the solution for it.

fix the error “Running python -m mfixgui.build_mfixsolver -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS= -j -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran Building custom solver for lungu44.mfx Running cmake command: cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS= -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran -DENABLE_PYMFIX=ON -G “MinGW Makefiles” -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=D:\Chhote\Mfix\lungu44 -DUDF_DIR=D:\Chhote\Mfix\lungu44 C:\Users\hp.conda\envs\mfix-23.3\share\mfix\src”

That is a normal message, not an error.

Dear expert,
The problem is not resolved yet. As I built the solver, that message came (“Build failed”) and is not building a new solver to run the simulation. I have tried all three option which is available in the solver window “Verbose” in “Build options”.
I am trying to solve in Windows 11 and use the Mfix-23.3 version.
I have attached the bug report. please suggest how I can rectify it because I could not run the simulation before building the new solver in my case. (45.6 KB)

Unfortunately the bug report does not include output from the failed build.

Please select 'Verbose", click “Clean” and then try the build again. Then copy/paste the output in the build popup here.

When you build the solver and you get some error, you should get this kind of output:

This shows you there is a typo on line 159 of calc_gama.f. You can click on the blue link and it will open the file.

If somehow the build output doesn’t show up, you can click on “Show build output”:

I rectify mistack after that same error is coming, i Also tried for the other case but same problem is occur. Please let me know how can i resolve this.

This looks like the same issue as Solver build fails on Windows 10 without any messages - #12 by GL1
Unfortunately we do not have a solution at this time. We will post to the forum as soon as we do. Please follow that thread for developments. Thanks.

Thanks for the information.

Please see

Thank u, yes it is working?