Error: fortran run time error

I have a DEM model, but since I have pre-assigned the particle input I get the following error when I run. Can anybody help me with how to fix this? I have attached my files incase it helps.
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At line 1058 of file C:\Users\Administrator\scoop\apps\miniconda3\current\conda-bld\mfix-solver_1613085458561\work\model\des\desgrid_mod.f

Fortran runtime error: Index ‘0’ of dimension 1 of array ‘dg_pic’ below lower bound of 1

You do not have any BC defined at y=ymin. Is this a wall or an outlet? You have a bunch of particles initially below the container and they are freefalling until it fails when they reach y=ymin.

The particles enter through the inlet, then I want particles to fall out of the container as and when through the outlet hole in the model side wall, and be stored in the area below.

In my data analysis, I want to track how many particles leave the container per second.

I tried to add a wall BC at the bottom but that didn’t help (you should already have a wall from the default BC). The underlying issue is the particles are too soft (kn=10 and kn_w=10 are too small), and the particles go through the wall at the bottom (where they have the largest velocity). It runs fine with kn=kn_w=100.