Error in temperature with DMP

Hi everyone. In the case, the top plane is mass in boundary, and the temperature of entering particles is 773K. The temperature of wall(cylinder) is 333K. When I ran the case with serial, it was fine. When I ran the case with DMP(NODESI=2 NODESJ=2), the temperature of several particles in the system is over 773K, as shown in three red cicles. Why? Besides that, several particles entered into the geometry. Is it a bug for mfix-19.1?
Ps: the commands I used.
cmake /mnt/d/mfix-19.1.0 -DENABLE_MPI=1 -DMPI_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS=’-O2 -g -Wall -fcheck=all’
For run: mpirun -np 4 ./mfixsolver -f tube.mfx NODESI=2 NODESJ=2
I ran the case in Windows Subsystem for Linux, the ubuntu version may be 16.4. Is it the cause of the problem?
The files of the (10.9 KB)

Looks like a bug. We will have developers take a look.

Reference: Gitlab issue#866

Thank you. The temperature of particles in the red circle was abnormal. May be it a bug too?

The temperature along the process boundaries is the bug. Particles going through the geometry is probably not a bug, only too soft particles or walls

Thank you for your reply. I sincerely hope the bug can be solved as soon as possible.

Hi, Dr. Jeff Dietiker. Was the bug about temperature along the process boundaries solved in Mfix 19.1.3? I found there was also a bug in temperature along the process boundaries.

No it has not been resolved in point release 19.1.3. The target release for this bug fix is 19.2.

Hi all. I saw this thread as I had issues with inaccurate DEM temperature when using DPM, see attached.

Is there an update on the progress of the bug fix?

The bug fix will be released in the 19.2 version towards the end of July.

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This bug was fixed in 19.2 (now available for download).

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