Error in the mesh of the STL geometry

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There are errors in the mesh at the inlet and outlet of the imported STL geometry.How to adjust it to be the same as the mesh of the primitive that comes with MFiX.
The first screenshot is the mesh of the primitive that comes with MFiX.The second screenshot is the
mesh of the STL geometry.

Please try with an stl file that is a bit longer than the MFiX box.

The stl file was modified to be longer than the MFiX box.But there is still the error.

What error are you getting? Please attach your setup files if you want better support.
Note: the stl file geometry.stl.original indicates you are not loading the correct stl file. This looks like an stl file from a previous run. (743.5 KB)
I think that there is error at the inlet and outlet of the STL file.How to solve this problem? Thanks!

I am still seeing geometry.stl.original and your .STL file has chinese characters in the file name. If you want to use the .STL file, please rename it with English characters.

It looks like there is an issue with the large values of the y-coordinates (147 to 148 meters). Please try to re-center the geometry so the y-coordinates is close to zero (range roughly between zero and one).

This problem is solved.
Thank you very much for your help.