Error: process exit

I am trying to run a DEM model and I get the following message appearing, could anybody tell me what this means and how to resolve this please?

Process exit C:\Users\sgcgrif3\Anaconda3\envs\mfix-20.2.1\Scripts\mfixsolver.exe -s -f E:\Rice piles\Numerical\Rice Pile\Original MFiX Files\rice_experiment.mfx

It means the solver quit. Do you get any other error message in the console or log files? At what point does it fail (meshing, when starting the simulation, after running the simulation for a while)? Check the number of particles in your DEM simulation, it could be that you ran out of memory if you have too many (say over 100 Millions particles).

Also note that you are a few versions behind - we just released version 20.4 in December. You may want to try with the newest version.